I followed the instructions to setup a GitHub integration with my Magento Cloud Pro project. This project has not been made live yet, but has been in development for several months and therefore has 1k+ commits. I took a snapshot of my Integration environment and ran the command as documented:

magento-cloud integration:add --type=github --project ...

There were additional prompts that appeared after running, with what seemed to be reasonable defaults, which I accepted.

Build pull requests (--build-pull-requests)
Build every pull request as an environment? [Y|n] 

Build pull requests post-merge (--build-pull-requests-post-merge)
Build pull requests based on their post-merge state? [y|N] 

Clone data for pull requests (--pull-requests-clone-parent-data)
Clone the parent environment's data for pull requests? [Y|n] 

Fetch branches (--fetch-branches)
Fetch all branches from the remote (as inactive environments)? [Y|n] 

Prune branches (--prune-branches)
Delete branches that do not exist on the remote? [Y|n] 

After the last question it created a webhook and created the integration.

Oh, then it deleted all my environments apart from Master, Production, and Staging.

Bye bye bye

I'm guessing it's the last prompt that screwed me up --prune-branches. Shame on me for not pausing to consider what that might do (note: this option isn't documented in the instructions).

What can I do to restore these environments?

Unlike deleting an environment through the Magento Cloud GUI, these appear to be gone. They aren't there and deactivated.

1 Answer 1


According to Magento Support, this isn't possible. They referenced https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.2/cloud/env/environments-start.html#env-delete

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