I have two modules with same vendor name. I want to display the second module system configuration setting under first module tab in admin. Do you guys have any idea?

Here are my system.xml files for both modules:

First module system.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <modulename_marketing translate="label" module="marketing">
        <label>Grz Marketo marketing Cart Integration</label>
    <modulename_marketing translate="label" module="marketing">
            <marketing_settings translate="label">
                <label>marketing Cart Configurations</label>
                  <enable translate="label">
                        <label>Enable marketing Cart Integration</label>
                        <!-- <frontend_model>modulename_Mkt_Block_Checkobjects</frontend_model> -->                 
                        <comment>Send marketing Cart informations from Magento to Marketo.</comment>


                    <marketing_cart_custom_object_api_name translate="label">
                        <label>marketinged Cart custom object API name</label>

            <uzkart_standard translate="label" module="marketing">
                <label>marketing Cron Time Settings</label>
                    <!--maybe another fields here-->
                    <frequency translate="label">
                        <!-- Custom backend model which saves cron configuration -->
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <!-- Cron job time -->
                    <time translate="label">
                        <label>Start Time</label>

Second module 'system.xml`:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <modulename_marketing translate="label" module="marketing">
        <label>Grz Marketo marketing Cart Integration</label>
    <modulename_marketing translate="label" module="marketing">
        <label>marketing Cart Settings</label>
            <marketing_settings translate="label">
                <label>marketing Cart Configurations</label>
                  <enable translate="label">
                        <label>Enable marketing Cart Integration</label>
                        <!-- <frontend_model>modulename_Mkt_Block_Checkobjects</frontend_model> -->                 
                        <comment>Send marketing Cart informations from Magento to Marketo.</comment>

                    <marketing_cart_custom_object_api_name translate="label">
                        <label>marketinged Cart custom object API name</label>
            <marketing_cron translate="label" module="marketing">
                <label>Cron Settings</label>
                    <!--maybe another fields here-->
                    <minutes translate="label">
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <hours translate="label">
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <days translate="label">
                        <label>Days (Month)</label>
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <months translate="label">
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <weekdays translate="label">
                        <!-- Custom backend model which saves cron configuration -->
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
  • Could you include the system.xml file contents of both modules here. Just to make it easy to explain
    – nikin
    Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 13:05
  • sure @nikin give me 2 min. Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 13:09
  • @nikin I have added both system.xml files. Commented Dec 7, 2018 at 13:12

1 Answer 1


Update your second module's system.xml like below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <modulename_marketing translate="label" module="marketing">
        <label>marketing Cart Settings</label>
            <marketing_settings translate="label">
                <label>marketing Cart Configurations</label>
                  <enable translate="label">
                        <label>Enable marketing Cart Integration</label>
                        <!-- <frontend_model>modulename_Mkt_Block_Checkobjects</frontend_model> -->                 
                        <comment>Send marketing Cart informations from Magento to Marketo.</comment>

                    <marketing_cart_custom_object_api_name translate="label">
                        <label>marketinged Cart custom object API name</label>
            <marketing_cron translate="label" module="marketing">
                <label>Cron Settings</label>
                    <!--maybe another fields here-->
                    <minutes translate="label">
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <hours translate="label">
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <days translate="label">
                        <label>Days (Month)</label>
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <months translate="label">
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->
                    <weekdays translate="label">
                        <!-- Custom backend model which saves cron configuration -->
                        <!--comment>Payment Fetch Frequency</comment-->

You just need to keep tab name as first tab name. Let me know if you need further help.

  • Thanks @Ramkishan, I changed <tab> name of second system.xml file with the tab name of first system.xml. And it is working for me. Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 4:21
  • Great @PankajSharma. Please accept the answer it'll help others. Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 5:16

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