On one of my websites, sometimes some of my customs js not working, I have embedded them on a template file. I have checked the console of the browser it shows an error, also sometimes CSS or some portion like sign-in/sign out or logo will not display.

to fix it I have to run content deploy every time, I just need to know the root cause of it. What will be the best practices to fix this kind of issue, so that I don't have to run content deploy every time, as the website is already live, and it seems very disappointing if suddenly some function stop working.

Also, I have noticed that content deploy is not working with -f is that was also an issue, which brings these problems.


  • Which mode you are using ?
    – Pawan
    Commented Nov 28, 2018 at 11:54
  • currently its development mode.
    – Akash
    Commented Nov 28, 2018 at 12:18
  • have you added JS code to phtml file ? Please also share what code you have added ?
    – Pawan
    Commented Nov 28, 2018 at 12:39
  • yes i did it in on template file. It was a plain js script for validating form nothing else. script is working fine without throwing any error on console logs.
    – Akash
    Commented Nov 28, 2018 at 12:44

2 Answers 2


Please try the steps as described below.

I assume Magento is on Developer mode while you follow the below steps.

step 1) Please Go to Admin panel and navigate to STORES -> Configuration -> ADVANCED -> DEVELOPER .

Click on "JavaScript Settings" to expand it.

Step 2) Please set JavaScript Settings as follows:

  • Merge JavaScript Files : Yes
  • Enable JavaScript Bundling : No
  • Minify JavaScript Files : No

Step 3) Run Following CLI commands from your Magento 2 root directory to remove static files, generated files, cache files.

sudo rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*
sudo rm -rf var/pub/static/*
sudo rm -rf var/cache/*
sudo rm -rf var/generated/*
sudo rm -rf var/page_cache/*
sudo rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*
sudo rm -rf pub/static/frontend/*

step 4:) Again please run the below CLI commands to set Production mode

sudo php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production -s

sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile

sudo php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step 5) Run the below commands to set permission to the pub, var, and generated folder

sudo chmod -Rv 777 pub var generated

You can run the static-deploy in verbose mode with -vvv and that might show more output assuming its hitting an error when your custom JS is not there.

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