I'm experiencing a big weird issue. I have updated 3 days ago from Magento 2.2.3 to 2.2.6. Everything went just fine. But on the day after the update, I received a warning from server health monitor regarding a disk space issue. A file had been created on sever root, in /tmp/analytics folder:

~tmp-1537660818.7487tar.tar : 11G

3 days after that, I have 3 files in that folder:

~tmp-1537660818.7487tar.tar : 11G

~tmp-1537747210.659tar.tar : 6,5M

~tmp-1537833608.7409tar.tar : 2G

File owner is the website owner. When I open file with terminal, I get endless lines repetitions :

x order_addresses.csv
x ../: Path contains '..'
x .././: Path contains '..'
x ../././: Path contains '..'
x .././././: Path contains '..'
x ../././././: Path contains '..'
x .././././././: Path contains '..'
x ../././././././: Path contains '..'
x .././././././././: Path contains '..'
x ../././././././././: Path contains '..'
x .././././././././././: Path contains '..'
x ../././././././././././: Path contains '..'

Files seem to be created along with the database backup each night. But I can't find logic between database backup and csv files. I disabled database backup for the coming night to see if the problem remains.

I found 2 files mentionning order_addresses:



Any idea on what could cause this issue ?

**** EDIT 1 ****

Disabling the database auto backup did not change my issue. Tonight a 6.5M file has been created. I will not delete this one as it's not a big problem of disk space and keep on checking this issue.

**** EDIT 2 ****

Uncompressing the tar files with tar ztvf yourfile.tar.gz gives me other results:

-rw-rw-r--  0 domainuser psacln 100669 26 sep 02:00 order_addresses.csv
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 ../
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 .././
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 ../././
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 .././././
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 ../././././
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 .././././././
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 ../././././././
drwxrwxr-x  0 domainuser psacln      0 26 sep 02:00 .././././././././

Last night the server got stuck again with a 13G file.

**** EDIT 3 ****

I tried to open the file with 7zX, it loops endlessly. I also tried with an application called Décompresser (2.0.2), and it creates a folder with an error alert. The folder contains a order_addresses.csv file with 5 columns : entity_id, customer_id, city, region, country_id. But I can't find what creates or tries to create, or at least tries to handle that file every night...

Again, only place I can find order_addresses mentionned is in vendor/magento/module-sales-analytics... Any idea ?

**** EDIT 4 ****

module-sales-analytics seems to be used by Advanced Reporting module which on my side is very buggy from the start! It always leads me to a 404. I will try to reconfigure the module, or disable it.

**** EDIT 5 ****

Setup / Configuration:

Linux dedicated server 
CentOS 6.9 
Plesk Onyx Version 17.5.3 
PHP 7.0.32 
Document root : httpdocs/pub 
Include_path : .:/var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library

**** EDIT 6 ****

Reauthorizing Magento Analytics user did not change the thing, still got a 13G file this night. I just disabled Advanced Reporting module to see the change.

**** EDIT 7 ****

Disabling Advanced Reporting module solved the issue, but it's not the best solution I think, more of a workaround. I tried to reach Advanced Reporting module devs but no answers.

  • 1
    You must check the extension which have crons and also check the cron execution time interval and number of crons added to server.
    – Saphal Jha
    Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 9:19
  • Hi, thanks for your answer. Yes, indeed I think I found which module is causing my troubles, I just added an edit in my question.
    – David
    Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 9:33
  • ahh, great.. :)
    – Saphal Jha
    Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 9:43
  • You are certainly not the only one ;) Thanks for sharing. Did the code fix also resolve the 404 error or just the disk space topic (never made advanced reporting running - unfortunately)? Thanks!
    – irm
    Commented Nov 19, 2018 at 8:21
  • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review Commented Nov 19, 2018 at 8:46

1 Answer 1


I checked this issue again, seems like I was not the only one facing this.

Problem seems to be fixed with this commit: https://github.com/magento/magento2/commit/8e1a5d342cbc63f58529b6c25be41c7d9a979a66

Some code has to be changed:

$dirFiles = array_diff($dirFiles, ['..', '.']);

instead of

/* remove  './'*/
/* remove  '../'*/

around line 262 in lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Archive/Tar.php or vendor/magento/framework/Archive/Tar.php depending on the install.

The fix worked for me.


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