Using the Magento Data Migration tool, I get the following errors:

[2018-09-07 20:57:11][ERROR]: Class ugiftcert/source_template does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=556
[2018-09-07 20:57:11][ERROR]: Class ugiftcert/source_template does not exist but mentioned in: eav_attribute.source_model for attribute_id=557
[2018-09-07 20:57:11][ERROR]: Class ugiftcert/product_pdf does not exist but mentioned in: catalog_eav_attribute.frontend_input_renderer for attribute_id=584
[2018-09-07 20:57:11][ERROR]: Class ugiftcert/product_conditions does not exist but mentioned in: catalog_eav_attribute.frontend_input_renderer for attribute_id=585
[2018-09-07 20:57:11][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: Error occurred. Rollback.
[2018-09-07 20:57:11][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: EAV Step: rollback
[2018-09-07 20:57:11][INFO][mode: data][stage: volume check][step: EAV Step]: Please fix errors and run Migration Tool again

 Volume Check failed

I understand I can ignore the attributes with xml files. But I don't understand the syntax. I believe I need to add these in the ignore group in vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/eav-attribute-groups.xml.dist

I'm looking for answer on how to add the above errors to these ignore files. Something like:

<group name="ignore">
    <attribute type="catalog_product">msrp_enabled</attribute>
    <attribute type="catalog_product">group_price</attribute>

1 Answer 1


Ok, I figured it out. Went to eav_attribute table, looked for attribute_id of 556, 557, 584, 585. Found the entity_type_id was 4 for all those. eav_entity_type table says entity_type_id of 4 is entity_type_code "catalog_product". So, same as the included examples in eav-attribute-groups.xml.dist.

eav_attribute table lists the attribute_code for those IDs as ugiftcert_email_template, ugiftcert_email_template_self, ugiftcert_pdf_settings, ugiftcert_conditions.

Resulting xml:

<group name="ignore">
    <attribute type="catalog_product">msrp_enabled</attribute>
    <attribute type="catalog_product">group_price</attribute>
    <attribute type="catalog_product">ugiftcert_email_template</attribute>
    <attribute type="catalog_product">ugiftcert_email_template_self</attribute>
    <attribute type="catalog_product">ugiftcert_pdf_settings</attribute>
    <attribute type="catalog_product">ugiftcert_conditions</attribute>
  • I am getting : [2019-04-10 17:50:47][ERROR]: Class Magento\Catalog\Block\Adminhtml\Product\Helper\Form\BaseImage does not exist but mentioned in: catalog_eav_attribute.frontend_input_renderer for attribute_id=648 but 648 id is not exist in eav_attribute and catalog_eav_attribute table.
    – groy
    Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 19:12
  • hello @Joe, I am getting below error after migration starts Notice: Undefined offset: 9 invendor\magento\data-migration-tool\src\Migration\Step\Eav\Data.php on line 292 Commented Apr 12, 2019 at 9:37

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