I used a Docker configuration for Magento which I found here. I used the files in the example folder to get myself started. After finishing the installation I went to see if the CLI options are working. They have issues:

sudo bin/magento indexer:info


Connection "default" is not defined 


sudo bin/magento cache:flush


Default website is not defined

after disabling cache with

sudo bin/magento cache:clean  

and trying to clean or flush the cache again, the following message appeared:

Notice: Undefined index: websites in /home/goran/Magento_2/magneto2-beeit/src/vendor/magento/module-config/App/Config/Type/System.php on line 248


sudo bin/magento config:show  


Configuration for path: "" doesn't exist

I went and checked store_website table and is_default column. There is number 1 in the row for the Main Website, so the default website should be set?


  1. What is "default connection" and how to define it?
  2. How to define default website?

Dockerfile / docker-compose.yml - gist


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