I've heard that Magento Core guys have just developed Multi-Source Inventory functionality


So I guess it means that I can place my products in different countries and depots to be calculated by Magento.

I want to use this feature on my website, because I've been trying to do something like this for a long time.

So, does anybody know how to correctly configure this feature? Also Share any helpful links or manuals ?

Thanks in advance!

  • have to tried this ?? Commented Apr 6, 2018 at 9:45
  • @lalitmohan , I try but now unsuccessful Commented Apr 6, 2018 at 18:43

3 Answers 3


You can proceed on the wiki page of the project - https://github.com/magento-engcom/msi/wiki and from the right side of the page you will find "MSI User Guide" which describes how to set up the project and use its main features.

Also, there is a big Slack channel devoted to "#MSI" in Magento Community Slack, which you can apply for following this link https://tinyurl.com/engcom-signup There are about 300 active participants there.

enter image description here


In Magento 2.3 Source option present under

Stores -> Inventory -> Sources

You can add New source as follows:

enter image description here

Further worth reading article is:-

The Definitive Guide to Magento MSI Multi Source Inventory


Multi Source Inventory (MSI) in Magento 2.3 Configure Points below here:

  1. https://github.com/magento-engcom/msi/tree/2.3-develop here is the link from where you can download Magento 2.3
  2. below is the mentioned command that you should follow to install php 7.2 and updating your repository is mandatory. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install python-software-properties add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php apt-get update apt-get install php7.2
  3. To setup sample data the command mentioned below should be run. php bin/magento sampledata:deploy It might ask you for username and password, that can be avail from here https://marketplace.magento.com/customer/accessKeys/ and you will be creating your account here that will give you private key and public key which can be used as a credentials. Your public key will be the username whereas; private key will be your password.
  4. below commands should be followed in order to install Magento 2.3 finally. php bin/magento setup:install –db-host=[your-database host(localhost)] –db-name=[your-database-name] –db-user=[databse-usename] –db-password=[database-password] –base-url=[url-of-your-magento-store] –backend-frontname=[url-endpoint-of-your-admin] –admin-firstname=[firstname-of-your-admin] –admin-lastname=[lastname-of-your-admin] –admin-email=[admin-email] –admin-user=[admin-username] –admin-password=[admin-password]

Performing all the above steps equally will help you in installing the Magento 2.3 with MSI on your server.

For the detailed information about Magento 2.3, MSI configuration along with its benefits you can also visit Magento 2 Multi Source Inventory (MSI) Features


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