My Magento version is 2.1.3 and i need to upgrade it to latest version which is currently 2.1.7

Should i upgrade to 2.1.7 directly or should i upgrade version by version like 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 then 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 likewise

will it create any errors if i directly upgrade to latest version?


5 Answers 5


Yes you can directly upgrade your magento version from 2.1.3 to 2.1.7 using composer.

It will not create any error if you upgrade it correctly.

The reason behind is If you have read release notes - http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.1/release-notes/bk-release-notes.html Few releases have only security updates and few have only copyright date update in all files(2.1.6). so there is no major changes at directories and files level

Below are the commands how to upgrade it .

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.1.7 --no-update
(pass required update version number)

composer update
rm -rf var/di var/generation
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • Same works for 2.1.8 too.
    – Jarnail S
    Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 7:34
  • @Jai - Yes its standard method to upgrade version so it will works !!! Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 8:02
  • Yup. It helped me to upgrade to 2.1.8 without any issues so thanks and upvoted for same :)
    – Jarnail S
    Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 8:06

You can upgrade your Magento version directly from 2.1.3 to 2.1.7 by below following command

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.1.7 --no-update
composer update

Remove below directory

/var/cache/* /var/page_cache/* /var/generation/*

Run below commands

php bin/magento setup:upgrade 
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

You can also check from here : Devdocs

  • Error on front:Autoload error Module 'Mageplaza_Core' from '/public_html/development/vendor/mageplaza/module-core' has been already defined in '/public_html/development/vendor/mageplaza/core-m2'. ......and Error in CLI: Warning: require(/public_html/development/vendor/composer/../mageplaza/core-m2/registration.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in //public_html/development/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 71
    – Jarnail S
    Commented Jun 26, 2017 at 9:32

you can directly upgrade your Magento version from 2.1.3 to 2.1.7 using composer.

try like this

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.1.7 --no-update

composer update

rm -rf var/di var/generation

php bin/magento cache:flush

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

for more reference



You can directly upgrade from magento 2.1.3 to Magento 2.1.7.

There is no issue to directly upgrade from old to latest version.

Just edit your composer.json file,

"version": "2.1.3", To "version": "2.1.7",

and change other line,

    "magento/product-community-edition": "2.1.3", To  "magento/product-community-edition": "2.1.7",

Run command,

composer update

After successfully Upgrade,

Run all magento command,

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Run upgrade and deploy command.

Clear cache.

  • It works but give error on front as follow: Autoload error Module 'Mageplaza_Core' from '/public_html/development/vendor/mageplaza/module-core' has been already defined in '/public_html/development/vendor/mageplaza/core-m2'. ......and Error in CLI: Warning: require(/public_html/development/vendor/composer/../mageplaz‌​a/core-m2/registrati‌​on.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in //public_html/development/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 71
    – Jarnail S
    Commented Jun 26, 2017 at 9:35

You just need to run some commands to update your store to 2.1.7.

First, run this command:

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.1.7 --no-update

Then update the composer

composer update

Now run these commands:

rm -rf var/di var/generation
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Note: All these commands have to be run in the root directory of your store.

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