Does small images and all other resolution of all images, Magento create only in cache folder ? I tried to find in FTP but I found only original of img that I downloaded to admin.

1 Answer 1


I am considering that you are talking about products' images.

Magento saves those images in following format and place:

[Magento Root Folder]/media/catalog/product/[fisrt letter of image name]/[second letter of image name]/[image name].[image extension]

For example: If image name is abcd.jpg, then it would be saved in:

[Magento Root Folder]/media/catalog/product/a/b/abcd.jpg

  • I mean where is products images like "example_150x150.png" i know where to find original photos. (magento 2.1)
    – Herecomes
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 13:39

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