i have this piece of code, but:

  1. i would like the span classes to appear when qty is 0
  2. do you always need the else, because else i don't want it to do anything

So only when an item is sold out it should show the text SOLD with the span classes.


<span class="sticker-wrapper top-left"><span class="out-of-stock">
                $qty = (int)Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($_product)->getQty();
                if ($qty == 0) :
                    echo $this->__('SOLD');
                else :
                    echo $this->__('&nbsp;');

1 Answer 1


You can add class based on condition like this -

<?php $qty = (int)Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($_product)->getQty(); ?>
<span class="sticker-wrapper top-left"><span class="<?php if ($qty == 0) { echo  'out-of-stock'; } ?>">

                if ($qty == 0) :
                    echo $this->__('SOLD');
                else :
                    echo $this->__('&nbsp;');

2.You don't need else always, you can simply use only if like this-

if ($qty == 0){
//you can put your condition or whole span here

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