I am facing an issue in Magento 1.9 where in product listing page every thing is working fine, We have a number of sorting options for products and a paging tab, now our requirement is to show first in-stock items in a list and after that, it should show out-of-stock items if any.
I tried below code in /app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List/Toolbar.php
public function setCollection($collection) { $this->_collection = $collection; $this->_collection->setCurPage($this->getCurrentPage()); // we need to set pagination only if passed value integer and more that 0 $limit = (int)$this->getLimit(); if ($limit) { $this->_collection->setPageSize($limit); } if ($this->getCurrentOrder()) { $this->_collection->setOrder($this->getCurrentOrder(), $this->getCurrentDirection()); $this->_collection->getSelect() ->joinLeft( array('sfoi' => $this->_collection->getResource()->getTable('cataloginventory/stock_item')), 'e.entity_id = sfoi.product_id' ,array('qty' => 'sfoi.qty') ) //->group('e.entity_id') ->order('sfoi.qty DESC'); //echo $this->_collection->getSelect();exit; } return $this; }
The above code is sorting products first with in-stock
but it is having issues -
1- it showing products from out of the category which is not assigned to it. 2- products are sorted as per quantity, so it will change the alignment of products when quantity changed.
Any help will be helpful to me.
After doing R & D , I come to know that if you have allowed products in Backorders then the auto updation by magento to update status to `out of stock` has been stoped, i.e. if a product has been out of stock, magento will still show and keep status `in stock`, so that customers can add them to back orders.
Now my issue is that , I still want to show those products above in a list which is actually are in stock or you can say that greater than 0 in quantity, will any one please let me help on this , Thanks
instead ofarray('qty' => 'sfoi.qty')