I managed to create a module to update the product set to in stock when an import is done.

The only problem I see now is that the cache is invalidated afterwards and I also need to update the cache after reindexing the site.

This is my code for the modules app/etc/modules/Myweb_Stockin.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This is my code for the config app/code/local/Myweb/Stockin/etc/config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This is my code for the observer app/code/local/Myweb/Stockin/Model/Observer.php which is from this page: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7168295/magento-auto-changing-the-stock-availability-from-out-of-stock-to-in-stock

    class Myweb_Stockin_Model_Observer {
        public function product_save_after($observer) {
            $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('cataloginventory/stock_item_collection');
            $outQty = Mage::getStoreConfig('cataloginventory/item/options_min_qty');
            $collection->addFieldToFilter('qty', array('gt' => $outQty));
            $collection->addFieldToFilter('is_in_stock', 0);
            foreach($collection as $item) {
                $item->setData('is_in_stock', 1);

I need to know if there is something wrong with this code.

I am at a loss trying to find out where the invalidated cache is coming from.

1 Answer 1


If it's block cache, I believe product it comes directly from product save action. (page looks differnt for in-stock/out of stock product)

You can try refreshing cache after import.





  • I will test this out.
    – fja3omega
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 7:30

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