I have found that under the admin/customer/edit -> Address the bottom field is called computop_checked_address_hash and is required.

However, the Module - Official Computop Payment Module - is not installed, but it must have been at some point in the past before I had to manage the store.

I've tried to reinstall and deinstall the module, but the field remains. I've not found any occurrences of `computop´ in the files (using a grep search), but in the db it is in two tables:

  • eav_attribute - 2 fields - computop_risk_check & computop_checked_address_hash
  • sales_order_status - 3 fields - ready_computop_capture, waiting_auth_computop_note & waiting_capture_computop_note

How can I get rid of this? Is it safe to remove without breaking the store?

I'm running Magento CE 1.8.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Is it safer to simply mark the is_required = 0, or set the default value to 0 in the eav_attributes field to stop the computop_checked_address_hash field preventing orders?
    – tecjam
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 9:13
  • Upon further investigation, this seems to be a remnant from an older version of this module. Readin the changelog, it seems that the Version from the 12.06.2013 actually states 'address check removed ' - dotsource.de/download/changelog_computop_module_2110243616.pdf
    – tecjam
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 9:19
  • I've now tried to install and de-install the Module Version prior to it having the address check removed - Release 2.0.1. This also did not remove the field from the customers address.
    – tecjam
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 9:31
  • I've downloaded the module from here: freegento.com/magento-extensions/… and checked the .sql files. In the mysql4-upgrade- it declares: '$this->startSetup(); $this->addAttribute( 'order_address', 'paymentoperator_checked_address_hash', array('type' => 'varchar') ); $this->endSetup();'
    – tecjam
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 9:49

1 Answer 1


When removing custom modules, Magento does not remove the attributes and config setup by these modules itself. You have to do this yourself. I would suggest you setup a custom module which has a Magento SQL setup script that simply uses the remove attribute code.

$installer = $this;

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