How will final result should look like for this implementation. Thank you

file location: /vendor/magento/module-checkout/Controller/Onepage/Success.php

Below is my default Success.php for Magento 2.1

<?php /**  *  * Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved.  * See COPYING.txt for license details.  */ namespace Magento\Checkout\Controller\Onepage;

class Success extends \Magento\Checkout\Controller\Onepage {
     * Order success action
     * @return \Magento\Framework\Controller\ResultInterface
    public function execute()
        $session = $this->getOnepage()->getCheckout();
        if (!$this->_objectManager->get('Magento\Checkout\Model\Session\SuccessValidator')->isValid()) {
            return $this->resultRedirectFactory->create()->setPath('checkout/cart');
        //@todo: Refactor it to match CQRS
        $resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();
            ['order_ids' => [$session->getLastOrderId()]]
        return $resultPage;
    } }

............................ where do i paste this code on Success.php

<script> window.renderOptIn = function() { window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() { window.gapi.surveyoptin.render( { "merchant_id": XXXXXXXXX, "order_id": "<?php echo $order->getIncrementId() ?>", "email": "<?php echo $order->getCustomerEmail() ?>", "delivery_country": "<?php echo $order->getShippingAddress()->getCountryId() ?>", "estimated_delivery_date": "YYYY-MM-DD" }); }); } </script>

4 Answers 4


I think you would use the file located at or whatever the vendor/template you use


In which case, you would put the google code after the last in the success.phtml file


You need to put this code in vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/success.phtml.

 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

<?php /** @var $block \Magento\Checkout\Block\Onepage\Success */ ?>
<div class="checkout-success">
    <?php if ($block->getOrderId()):?>
        <?php if ($block->getCanViewOrder()) :?>
            <p><?= __('Your order number is: %1.', sprintf('<a href="%s" class="order-number"><strong>%s</strong></a>', $block->escapeHtml($block->getViewOrderUrl()), $block->escapeHtml($block->getOrderId()))) ?></p>
        <?php  else :?>
            <p><?= __('Your order # is: <span>%1</span>.', $block->escapeHtml($block->getOrderId())) ?></p>
        <?php endif;?>
            <p><?= /* @escapeNotVerified */ __('We\'ll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.') ?></p>
    <?php endif;?>

    <?= $block->getAdditionalInfoHtml() ?>

    <div class="actions-toolbar">
        <div class="primary">
            <a class="action primary continue" href="<?= /* @escapeNotVerified */ $block->getContinueUrl() ?>"><span><?= /* @escapeNotVerified */ __('Continue Shopping') ?></span></a>
    window.renderOptIn = function() {
        window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() {
                "merchant_id": XXXXXXXXX,
                "order_id": "<?php echo $order->getIncrementId() ?>",
                "email": "<?php echo $order->getCustomerEmail() ?>",
                "delivery_country": "<?php echo $order->getShippingAddress()->getCountryId() ?>",
                "estimated_delivery_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"


Add this script


  window.renderOptIn = function() {

  window.gapi.load('surveyoptin', function() {



      "merchant_id": xxxxxxxxx,

      "order_id": "<?php echo $orderData->getIncrementId() ?>",

      "email": "<?php echo $orderData->getCustomerEmail() ?>",

      "delivery_country": "<?php echo $orderData->getShippingAddress()->getCountryId() ?>",

      "estimated_delivery_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"




  • This looks like code for Magento 1, not Magento 2. Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 19:27

How about the GTIN for products review?

     "products":[{"gtin":"GTIN1"}, {"gtin":"GTIN2">}],

Anyone can help to retrieve the "barcode" of the items ordered?

I can retrieve the SKU with this code:

public function getGtinProducts() {
    $order = $this->getOrder();
    $products = [];
    foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $product) {
        $gtin = ["gtin" => $product->getSku()];
        $products[] = (object)$gtin;
    return json_encode($products);

But I need to retrieve the barcode attribute instead SKU. Any idea how to?

  • create a text attribute to product and than get it. $prdObj = $this->productLoader->create()->load($product->getData('product_id')); $gtin = ['gtin' => $prdObj->getBarcode()]; Commented Jul 3, 2023 at 10:11

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