Help with this one guys...

I'm using Magento - I have one product that has two different product codes depending on panel finish (M - magnolia and W - white) but also adds two letters of colour choice to the end of the SKU that users can choose from - what I mean is this -

One product -

SKU - EEM55**

SKU - EEW55**

Colour choices - (these colour choices are added to end of SKU where * is)

Blue - BL

Green - GR

Can anyone please suggest how I would set this up?

2 Answers 2


You can make one configurable product with two super attributes e.g. Finish and Color

Then make simple products for each combination of Finish and Color (e.g. EEM55BL for Mangolia-Blue, EEM55GR for Mangolia-Green and so on)

Assign these simple products to configurable products.


  • Hi mskhan! Thank you for your answer, it worked great! Just a quick question regarding your answer - I create these simple products and then I want assign them to one main configurable product, I get a list of all available products where I can choose which one to assign. 2 products are not in the list to choose from (those 2 products have only ONE attribute e.g. finish). How would I assign them to the main configurable product please?I tried to search for it with SKU but they do not display in this list of available products to choose from. Thank you!
    – Pinky_P
    Commented Mar 27, 2017 at 11:14
  • Here is the video that support the answer above and shows step by step how to create the product - youtube.com/watch?v=-J06JAyf3gs
    – Pinky_P
    Commented Mar 27, 2017 at 11:18
  • simple products must have those attributes set on them which the configurable product is made of. If your configurable product has two super attributes Finish and Color then the products with Finish attribute only will not be available to be part of that configurable product
    – mskhan
    Commented Mar 27, 2017 at 11:21
  • I understand, thank you! So if you had to create what I asked in the main question plus add 2 products that use ONLY Finish attribute, how would you create it and would it be even possible to create?
    – Pinky_P
    Commented Mar 27, 2017 at 11:26
  • You can set the 'color' attribute on those 2 products
    – mskhan
    Commented Mar 27, 2017 at 11:30

You can use a configurable product. Each variation is a simple product that has its own SKU (like "magnolia blue" = "EEM55BL") and this SKU will be used when the configured product is ordered.

  • Thank you for your answer! I've tried that but to create configurable product, you need to add general SKU and then you can modify SKU to be whatever you like, right? My problem is that there is a lot of products that start SKU with EEM and EEW (number is different), how would I go around that?
    – Pinky_P
    Commented Mar 24, 2017 at 16:02

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