I need help on how to install SSL certificates. I have a backend developer but he's new to magento. We hang on how to get the certificates installed so we can enable the ssl.

We only need help on the process on how to get the files needed and installing them.

  • 5
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a question about server setup and 1. not related to Magento, 2. the answer depends on the hosting provider Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 9:32

2 Answers 2



I hope you have purchased SSL certification for your website. There are couple of posts which show how to install ssl certificate!

Please refer below link:


  • 1
    Only relevant if you use cloudways Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 9:33

Follow below steps to configure your Magento store with SSL:

Go to System -> Configuration

Click on Web under the General

Select Secure tab

Now, under the Secure tab you will find two options as;

 Use Secure URLs in Frontend -> Yes
 Use Secure URLs in Admin -> Yes

Change both options to Yes.

Below reference links will help, if you stuck anywhere;

How to enable https for my magento site https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/magento/magento_ssl.htm https://community.magento.com/t5/Installing-Magento-1-x/Valid-SSL-certificate/td-p/20688

  • 1
    That's not answering the question, "how to install SSL certificates" (but the question is not related to Magento anyways) Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 9:31

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