I am using Magento 2.0
with a copy of the blank theme.
I am trying to get the logo, nav, and mini cart on one line but I can't figure it out.
How would I do this with the blank Magento theme
I am using Magento 2.0
with a copy of the blank theme.
I am trying to get the logo, nav, and mini cart on one line but I can't figure it out.
How would I do this with the blank Magento theme
To modify the HTML you need to move the navigation to the header.
For example:
<move element="catalog.topnav" destination="header-wrapper" after="logo"/>
But you will also need to do some styling to make it all work nicely together.
Solution: Add the following to default.xml
<move element="header.panel" destination="header.panel.wrapper"/>
<move element="logo" destination="header.panel" before="catalog.topnav"/>
<move element="catalog.topnav" destination="header.panel" after="logo"/>
<move element="top.search" destination="header.panel" after="catalog.topnav"/>
<move element="top.links" destination="header.panel" before="minicart"/>
<move element="minicart" destination="header.panel" after="top.links"/>
Add the following in a custom CSS file:
.page-header {
margin-top: 0px;
nav.navigation {
max-width: 350px;
background: #FFF;
float: left;
.header.panel > .header.links {
float: right !important;
div.minicart-wrapper {
float: right !important;
div.block.block-search {
float: right !important;
To get the correct order in the HTML source:
<move element="logo" destination="header.panel" before="-"/>
<move element="catalog.topnav" destination="header.panel" after="logo"/>
<move element="top.search" destination="header.panel" after="catalog.topnav"/>
<move element="top.links" destination="header.panel" after="top.search"/>
<move element="minicart" destination="header.panel" after="-"/>
The key here is in the two elements at opposite ends. They need to be anchored there using the dash.
It's also more transparent to not mix before and after attributes for the elements following the logo, but if you want you can do so.
The answer above results in this order:
This is because:
The conditions are all met in the order displayed above and the logo block ends up after the minicart purely because of processing order.
Override the default.xml file in your custom theme's Magento_Theme/layout directory.
Move the navigation menu to header-wrapper:
<move element="navigation.sections" destination="header-wrapper" as="navigation_section" after="logo"/>