For example,
There is a "New order" template. The styles for this template are placed in
Here's an example of styles:
.order-totals {
background: #e0edf6;
> tr {
> th {
font-weight: @font-weight__regular;
> th,
> td {
padding: @email-content__padding__base;
text-align: right;
& + tr {
td {
padding-top: 0;
.price {
white-space: nowrap;
So, the selectors are all allowed by Magento 2. But actually the only applied styles are:
.order-totals{background: #e0edf6}
When emails were being tested in the developer mode, all styles were applied, but now the mode is switched to production
, css minify is on and styles applied partly. What can be wrong?