i am trying to write media to another server is it possible:

i have 2 servers i need to put my magento code on 1st server and want all media on another server when we upload images of catalog,

how it can be possible i have changed Option.php but it throws exception "Unable to create directory 'http://test.xyz.com/web_media/tmp/catalog/product'"

thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Try this

Create a Sub-domain named "media.mytestsite.com".

Copy the media folder to your sub-domain's root folder.

Give the permission 777 to media folder. (Full permission).
Go to you magento admin. Go to System -> Configuration -> Web -> Unsecure -> Base Media URL and put "http://media.mytestsite.com/media/".

5.Go to System -> Configuration -> Web -> Secure -> Base Media URL and put "https://media.mytestsite.com/media/".

Now save the configuration.

Clear/Refresh magento cache.(It is very important)

I hope it will work

If you are using amazon..

Refer to the links below



  • thanks for your comment but by this approch i am able to get images but not able to upload images
    – Ankur
    Commented Dec 20, 2016 at 10:48

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