In /app/design/frontend/MyThemeName/my-theme/web/css/source/_theme.less I added @header-panel__background-color: @color-green-green1;

To change the background color of the header panel (I have a child-theme based on Luma theme).

After I made changes in _theme.less I did on my Local environment:

  • rm -R pub/static/*
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy nl_NL

But the only way to see my changes is when I go to my Magento Admin panel and Flush Static Files Cache in the admin panel.

1) Is there a method to do this using command line only?

(anyway locally my changes are visible now)

Now I commit _theme.less and push it to my remote repository. From this remote repository I pull _theme.less into my Staging server and run the following commands, to compile my less on the Staging server:

  • rm -R pub/static/*
  • bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy nl_NL

2) But I can't get my changes visible in the front-end on the Staging server? What do I have to do?

1 Answer 1


In your Magento directory issue command :

rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/\*; rm -rf pub/static/\*

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