I am learning Magento 1.9.
I would like to see and learn from the the code of the "Proceed to checkout" button.
In which template is this code located?
it located at
An easy way to find a path of the file is Searching for the keyword in you project folder.
You can on your path hint from admin and heck the template and its block for all section of the page.
Current Configuration Scope
drop-down from top left section below navigation.In this way you come to know if any custom module install and override any phtml
then also you will get the path of that file.
You also can use external Magento extension like
All above extension can display you template path and other information also.
The chosen answer is appropriate for the question... but its essentially giving you the answer without telling you HOW to get the answer if a similar question comes up for something else.
I use a developer extension that runs on my local system that allows me to dynamically load up info such as template path hints, etc...
Add an event observer for: controller_front_init_before
And in your observer model, you can add the following code:
// enabling on-the-fly template path hints
if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->has('__hints')) {
$store->setConfig('dev/debug/template_hints', 1);
$store->setConfig('dev/debug/template_hints_blocks', 1);
Then for any URL, you can tack on ?__hints to show the hints.
You can also do a number of other modifications... such as:
// enabling on-the-fly theme change to "base/default"
if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->has('__base')) {
$store->setConfig('design/package/name', 'default');
$store->setConfig('design/theme/template', 'default');
NOTE: you do not want to run this on a production system (live server) as it could compromise the system.