I have been looking into RequireJS for a while, but till now, I still can not figure out how to add the TouchSwipe plugin into my theme.
Would somebody take the time to give me a step by step?
I have been looking into RequireJS for a while, but till now, I still can not figure out how to add the TouchSwipe plugin into my theme.
Would somebody take the time to give me a step by step?
copy js file jquery.touchSwipe.min.js into your custom theme web/js
Now you have to use inside your template file,
just create requirejs-config.js file inside your theme template,
code for js file,
var config = {
paths: {
'touchswipe': "js/jquery.touchSwipe.min"
shim: {
'touchswipe': {
deps: ['jquery']
Now you can use inside your template like this,
<div id="touchme">Touch me to see effect</div>
], function($, swipe){
$(function() {
//keep your code here
Remove var folder from root
Remove pub/static folder contents.
Run deploy command,
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Copy jquery.touchSwipe.js following location
Now inside phtml template you just add following line. This is the basic example.
<div id="test" class="box">Swipe me</div> <script> require([ 'jquery', 'Vendor_Module/js/jquery.touchSwipe' ], function($, swipe){ $(function() { //Enable swiping... $("#test").swipe({ //Generic swipe handler for all directions swipe: function (event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData) { $(this).text("You swiped " + direction); }, //Default is 75px, set to 0 for demo so any distance triggers swipe threshold: 0 }); }); }); </script>
Step 1: Create requirejs-config.js under CompanyName\Custom\view\frontend\ folder with the following code -:
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
jquery_cookie: 'CompanyName_Custom/js/jquery_cookie',
Step 2: Add jquery_cookie.js or any other jquery plugin under CompanyName\Custom\view\frontend\web\js\
Step 3: Now the jquery plugin has been added, now you can call jquery cookie plugin from any of your template files
require(['jquery','jquery_cookie'], function($){
$(window).load(function() {
$.cookie.json = true;
var customCookie = $.cookie("customCookie");
if (customCookie != undefined) {
$.removeCookie("customCookie", {path: '/', domain: document.domain});
The key thing to notice here is that we are using require JS as part of the first line require([‘jquery’,’jquery_cookie’] and declaring to use jquery and our newly added jquery plugin i.e. jquery_cookie.
Hope this helps!