I have just created a "HelloWord" module and I just tested it on many systems but its not working on a particular system with XAMPP (PHP 5.5, MySQL 5.6.24) and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS running. 5. Here is the package: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98186464/Amin.rar

What should I check or config in PHP or Apache or Ubuntu to get it work ? The strange thing is that Magento 2 is running and working in this particular systems but only my simple HelloWorld module is not working properly (it doesn't load the layout in /helloworld/index/index controller, and simply just shows the title "Amin Helloworld", but the layout is not loaded at all)


1 Answer 1


In your layout app/code/Amin/HelloWorld/view/frontend/layout/helloworld_index_index.xml, Amin\HelloWorld\Block\HelloWorld changes to Amin\HelloWorld\Block\Helloworld (Helloworld has all lower-case letters). And try to rename the view folder app/code/Amin/HelloWorld/view to lower case also.

Remember that Magento loads the name of classes with case sensitivity. If we have some troubles when creating a simple module, please check our file structure, naming (including case sensitivity).

  • I have done that also and then hit this command: php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade but still don't see any difference in the output! Commented Apr 25, 2016 at 11:08
  • Try to rename the view folder app/code/Amin/HelloWorld/view to lower case also. Commented Apr 25, 2016 at 11:19

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