How to check if order confirmation and shipment emails were sent out successfully? Any way to track from the admin or through log file?
The "Order" and "Order Comments" setting in the System->Configuration->Sale Emails are Enabled.
If you have same problems when you send your letter, you can see it in a file exception.log
because in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Queue.php
it is provided (you can see Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue::send()
at the end of method). But if exception doesn’t appear, it doesn’t means that recipient got your letter. It means that letter was sent to the mail service (successful execution of the function mail()
in PHP).
You can Use Mage::log()
store response you get after calling mail function and then use if condition.
Mage::log('Mail Sent Successfully');
Mage::log('Error Sending in Mail');
Please don't add any code in your core magento files because it is not a good practice
You can utilize magento notification
Mage::getSingleton(‘core/session’)->addNotice(‘Notice message’);
For More Details you can go thorough this link
Go to particular order there is (the order confirmation email was sent)
Open shipment just after title
As an example
Shipment #100000003 | 23/03/2016 15.47.25 (the shipment email was sent)
If email sent -> (the shipment email was sent)
If email not sent -> (the shipment email is not sent)