I am trying to create a SQL query that will display all the SKUs of a simple product that are related to a configurable product. I will add the configurable SKU via a form field that I want to query.
Magento 1.9.2
$parentSku = 'testSku';
(SELECT b.child_id
FROM `catalog_product_entity` a
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_relation` b
ON b.`parent_id` = a.`entity_id`
WHERE a.sku = '{$parentSku}') t1
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity t2
ON t1.child_id = t2.`entity_id`
parent.type_id as parent_product_type, parent.sku as parent_sk,
child.type_id as child_product_type, child.sku child_sku
from magento.catalog_product_entity as parent
join magento.catalog_product_relation as link
on link.parent_id = parent.entity_id
join magento.catalog_product_entity as child
on child.entity_id = link.child_id
limit 100
This works better for me.
SELECT entity_id as product_id, sku FROM catalog_product_entity WHERE sku = 'foobarsku';
to get the configurable details by SKU.
After which you could sub-select on the catalog_product_super_link
table by product_id
and requery the catalog_product_entity
table for the additional simple SKUs.
In the previous answers, join condition seems incorrect. It should be joined with parent product row_id instead of entity_id.
Use below rectified query to get configurable products as well as child products (Magento v2.4):
SELECT e.*, cpr.child_id
FROM catalog_product_entity AS e
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_relation AS cpr ON e.row_id=cpr.parent_id
WHERE e.type_id = 'configurable'
Thank you.