Ok, i have custom module, which works as i wish it to work on a url www.mysite.com/mymodule
. Now i want my module to be accessible with a block name from anylayout, also what do i have to do to embed on the CMS pages as well.
My working module layout (mymodule.xml)
<layout version="1.0">
<reference name="head">
<action method="addItem" ifconfig="...>
//js and css added here;
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
<reference name="content">
<block type="core/template" name="mymodule" template="mycorp/mymodule/default.phtml"></block>
This is my layout for the module. Now suppose i want to access it on other layout handle suppose here
<catalog_category_default>...<reference name="content">HERE</reference>...</catalog_category_default>