I'm having a strange issue with compass compilation, it seems that even though i have overridden rwd scss files such as /mixin/_typeography.scss, the old copy is still being used for compilation by the @include h2 reference in _product-list.scss, but (correctly) the new copy is being used by _common.scss.
If i go to the mixin folder of the rwd theme and rename _typeography.scss its all fine.
I get the same results with a compass watch batch file or using grunt contrib-watch-sass.
I've tried deleting the sass-cache - no difference.
Config.rb is as follows:
require 'susy'
http_path = "/skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/"
add_import_path "../../../rwd/default/scss"
css_dir = "../css"
sass_dir = "../scss"
images_dir = "../images"
javascripts_dir = "../js"
fonts_dir = "../fonts"
relative_assets = true
output_style = :compact
environment = :development
and grunt config is:
options: {
http_path: 'skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/',
cssDir: 'skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/css/',
sassDir: 'skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/scss/',
imagesPath: 'skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/images/',
javascriptsDir: 'skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/js/',
fontsDir: 'skin/frontend/tpt_rwd/default/fonts/',
importPath: 'skin/frontend/rwd/default/scss/',
relativeAssets: true,
outputStyle: 'compact',
environment: 'development'
Obviously this is really holding me up, and really causing me to scratch my head! i know i could just copy all the sass to my theme and remove the import in config, but it seems silly to have to. What am missing\doing wrong?