I would like to show price without taxes in the catalog for B2B customers but calculate with taxes as normally.
I know this can be done with a second store view but is this possible without a second view?
Even if it's an answer accepted question i want to give some additional advice:
As i haven't created an observer but cloned app/code/core/Mage/Tax/Model/Config.php
to local, i've changed the getPriceDisplayType
function with some additionals.
The accepted answer checks for the group id only. I gone further and check for the TaxClassId. It's hardcoded by now but could be done via a config setting too in the backend, when wrapped into an observer or extension.
My modified functions looks like
public function getPriceDisplayType($store = null)
$customerGroupId = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getGroupId();
$customerGroup = Mage::getModel('customer/group')->load($customerGroupId);
$customerTaxId = $customerGroup->getTaxClassId($customerGroupId);
if ($customerTaxId == 5) {
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/cart_display/price', '1');
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/cart_display/subtotal', '1');
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/display/type', '1');
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/sales_display/price', '1');
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/sales_display/subtotal', '1');
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/display/show_in_catalog', '1');
} else {
return (int)$this->_getStoreConfig(self::CONFIG_XML_PATH_PRICE_DISPLAY_TYPE, $store);
This has done all i needed and i haven't had an display or logical "error" till now.
The settings are a little bit 'german like' as grandtotals are displayed including tax while other values are w/o tax. Hope this helps others too.
Go to System> Configuration > Tax and there, look for the last tab “Display”. In “Display Product Prices” chooses “Including and excluding tax” and then Save config.
Based on https://github.com/astorm/Chaos I created an observer that does change the config value of tax/calculation/price_includes_tax
to temporary show prices without tax depending on page and user group.
This is short on comments but it might help someone:
class YourThing_TaxChanger_Model_Observer
static protected $_hasRun = false;
public function setup($observer)
$roleId = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerGroupId();
//echo Mage::getSingleton('customer/group')->load($roleId)->getData('customer_group_code');
$page = Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getControllerName();
// check user group and page
if ($roleId == 2 && (in_array($page, array('product', 'category', 'result'))))
// show price without tax
$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/calculation/price_includes_tax', '1');
// germansetup tax info
//$this->changeConfigTemp('tax/sales_display/price', Mage_Tax_Model_Config::DISPLAY_TYPE_EXCLUDING_TAX);
* Change a config value without saving it.
protected function changeConfigTemp($path, $value)
$config = Mage::getConfig();
$store = Mage::app()->getStore();
$code = $store->getCode();
$config->setNode("stores/$code/" . $path, $value);
protected function _shouldBail($observer)
$config = Mage::getConfig();
return true;
return true;
return false;