I am trying to integrate my store (community edition 1.9) with ShipWorks.
I have followed the instructions on both ends and for the most part everything is working as it should. However when I try to download the order data into Shipworks. I get an error that basically says there is something in this file (xml) that should not be there. After a lot of back and forth with both ShipWorks and my hosting company I have narrowed the problem down to an extraneous character that is showing up in the xml, when viewed with notepad ++ it looks like a very small superscript asterisk.
I have further narrowed the issue and discovered that this character appears when ever the code:
$orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection();`
is called. I have tried looking at the Mage.php file to see if I can further deduce the problem but I am not entirely sure what to look for and don't want to start messing with core files.
Can anyone tell me whats happening/how to fix it?