I am curious as to how to edit content in the body of my Magento website. I can find and edit the header and footer with ease, but if there's anything in the body I seem to get lost as to how I can alter things. Why can't it just be as easy as hitting the delete button when using firebug:p

  • This is my second Magento website, so I'm really new to this Commented Jan 3, 2015 at 6:16

2 Answers 2


-->You can edit content of CMS pages in the admin section by going to CMS->Pages selecting the page and in the CONTENT section you can place Images,Text,Static Blocks etc.

-->To edit any other pages which doesn't belong to CMS pages you can edit them using '.xml' and .phtml files like for example if you want to edit Products list page you need to edit catalog.xml and list.phtml which will be located in template/catalog/product of your theme file by adding respective reference names for example if you want to edit content the you need to make changes under <reference name="content"> please feel free to get more information if needed.


you can check first for cms page using as home page from

system -> configuration -> general(Web) from left bad -> Click on default pages tab from right

check drop down called CMS Home Page

and search same title in CMS -> pages -> title column

you can edit cms page from content or may be using some xml tag to display in body

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