I need a blank page to receive a post of ajax and return json.
If I run the code below any page of backend, the link opens a blank page, that set up on my controller and router.
<?php echo Mage::helper('adminhtml')->getUrl('installments/adminhtml_ajax/'); ?>
But if I run into any page of the frontend, the key of the url is not the same and I am directed to the dashboard.
I do not know how to get the correct URL for the frontend, someone would have an idea that works?
Backend = installments/adminhtml_ajax/index/key/000085c50c4882df8a9cae52c8392227/
Frontend = installments/adminhtml_ajax/index/key/99edadac5bc5bb1e2421d3be38db525e/
Already changed the frontend for standard and nothing has changed.