Given a collection obtained by (this is Magento 1.4):
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_option')
This returns the collection of options associated with a single product. I would like to filter this down to only give me options that have a price_type
of percent
, so naturally, I try:
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_option')
->addFieldToFilter('price_type', array('eq' => 'percent'));
This still returns the entire option collection, as if the filter did nothing at all. Is this an old issue with v.1.4?
loops that gets the values from each option and just pushes those with['price_type'] == 'percent'
to a new array. This is an old site that will be gone soon and I'm not able to spend much time on it and I fear that some of the rewritten models (including options, products, values, etc) are what is giving me fits.