Please follow the below steps as per my module.
Now I will add some of my code for the created module graphql.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<type name="Magento\StoreGraphQl\Model\Resolver\Store\StoreConfigDataProvider">
<argument name="extendedConfigData">
<item name="faq_general_statusfaq" xsi:type="string">faq/general/statusfaq</item>
<item name="faq_general_statusfaqfooter" xsi:type="string">faq/general/statusfaqfooter</item>
add below code
type StoreConfig {
faq_general_statusfaq : Int
faq_general_statusfaqfooter : Int
Execute URL:
Where Base URL: and End Point: graphql
Request Body :
storeConfig {
Step 1: Create the component you want. my component name is Faqlink.
So please create your component. my component path is below
add the below code as per your requirement.
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
export const GET_STORE_CONFIG_DATA = gql`
query GetStoreConfigForFaq {
# eslint-disable-next-line @graphql-eslint/require-id-when-available
storeConfig {
export default {
getStoreConfigQuery: GET_STORE_CONFIG_DATA
export { default } from './faqlink';
import React from 'react';
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
import { GET_STORE_CONFIG_DATA } from './faq.gql';
import { fullPageLoadingIndicator } from "@magento/venia-
import ErrorView from "@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/ErrorView";
export const FaqLink = () => {
const { loading: loadingConfig, error: errorConfig, data: dataConfig }
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
nextFetchPolicy: 'cache-first'
if (loadingConfig) return fullPageLoadingIndicator;
if (errorConfig) return <ErrorView message={errorConfig?.message} />;
const storeConfig = dataConfig.storeConfig;
const footerfaqlinkstatus = storeConfig.faq_general_statusfaqfooter;
return footerfaqlinkstatus == '1' ? (
<li className="footer-linkItem-vqn first_text-colorDefault
first_font-semibold"><a data-cy='Footer-link' href='/faq'>Faq</a></li>
) : null;
After that override footer.js show please check the below link on how to override the footer.
after overriding the footer then your footer.js file changes below code.
import { DEFAULT_LINKS, LOREM_IPSUM } from "@magento/venia-
import { DEFAULT_LINKS, LOREM_IPSUM } from './sampleData';
Then copy a file from /var/www/html/yourproject/node_modules/@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/Footer/sampleData.js
paste this file to your component. my component file is checked below.
/var/www/html/proect/@mage2/faq/src/components/faq/sampleData.js and this file add the below code.
import { ContactLink } from '@magento/venia-
import { FaqLink } from "../Faqlink/faqlink";
const accountLinks = new Map()
.set('Account', null)
.set('Sign In', null)
.set('Register', null)
.set('Order Status', null)
.set('Returns', null);
const aboutLinks = new Map()
.set('About Us', '/about-us')
.set('Our Story', null)
.set('Email Signup', null)
.set('Give Back123', null);
const helpLinks = new Map()
.set('Help', null)
.set('Customer Service', '/customer-service')
.set('Contact Us', {
path: '/contact-us',
Component: ContactLink
.set('Faq', {
path: '/faq',
Component: FaqLink
.set('Order Status', null)
.set('Returns', null);
export const DEFAULT_LINKS = new Map()
.set('account', accountLinks)
.set('about', aboutLinks)
.set('help', helpLinks);
export const LOREM_IPSUM =
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsicing elit, sed do.';
after applying commands.
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