Wishing you all a Happy New Year. I have Magento 2 installation with Main website in default en_US locale.

I have to create an Arabic version and I created a separate website, store view having locale set to Arabic(Saudi Arabia) - ar_SA . Store ID is 3.

For the translations I am using a custom module which adds phrases and translations to Magento db table translation . As I have read, translation tables entries gets top priority of over other methods.

The en_US phrases in translation table for default store view (with store id 0, loads fine. Any change is immediately reflected in frontend.

However for the custom store view (store id 3) does not appear in frontend after switching store in to it in frontend. It shows original phrases.

A sample translation entry in db table Having above translation for phrase 'Add to cart' in Arabic for store id 3, still in frontend it is shown as 'Add to cart' in English. Cache clearing, static content depolyment, clearing of var/view_preprocessed, pub/static are already done.

It is highly appreciated if someone please guide me to resolve this.

P.S : There is an en_US language pack installed. No language pack for ar_SA is in use.

Thanks and Best Regards


  • Cloud you please check this link :- magento.stackexchange.com/a/142291/85907 Commented Jan 1, 2023 at 3:35
  • Please edit your question to add the PHP code which adds translations to Magento DB table translation. If you don't know where is it located, please compress the module and upload it somewhere then paste the link here, I'll take a look.
    – Tu Van
    Commented Jan 1, 2023 at 5:49


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