I've been trying to override D:\Projects\PMM-M2\public_html\vendor\magento\module-checkout\view\frontend\templates\success.phtml by placing the file in my custom theme at location D:\Projects\PMM-M2\public_html\app\design\frontend\Perfectmakeupmirrors\argento-luxury-custom\Magento_Checkout\templates\success.phtml.
I need to change the line <p><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('We\'ll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info.')) ?></p>
to <p><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Within 10 minutes we\'ll send an email to you with your <strong>%1</strong> and complete details.<br />When your order ships we\'ll email tracking information to you.', 'order'), ['strong','br']) ?></p><?php endif;?>
This is not happening. Is there anything wrong in how I'm overriding .phtml file in my custom theme?
Please help.