I want to get all Pending order Status Orders using GraphQL, Anyone can share a complete example or module. How to I'll do that ?

I have create Custom module Admin Grid, Now i want to display Only Pending Orders in that grid. So i want to get all those orders using GraphQL. So Kindly help me on this. How to I'll do that ?


1 Answer 1


For Check What is GraphQL in Magento 2, Read Blog, GraphQl in Magento 2

Check the link, Get List of Orders of Customer using GraphQl Magento 2 full module

For Get List of orders of Customer by customer id, You need to create a schema file for getting a response from Query.

In above you have declared schema file for getting multiple records of order for a specific customer.

type SalesOrder @doc(description: "Sales Order graphql gather Data of specific order information") {
    order_array: [String] @doc(description: "Array of order list.") }

In above order_array is used for getting an array of records but in your resolver, you made mistakes for multiple records.

In $orderCollection[] you need to pass array key for each record and you forgot to add that in your code.

You can try with,

foreach($orders as $k => $order) {
            $orderCollection['order_array'][$k] = [
                'increment_id' => $order->getIncrementId(),
                'grand_total' => $order->getGrandTotal(),
                'customer_id' => $order->getCustomerId(),

Let me know if you have any query.

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