You must follow these steps:
The following describes how to proceed to install Live Search.
a) Move to the base path of the magento project, Open the command console.
b) Install LiveSearch
composer require magento/live-search:^2.0
c) Disable modules related to Elasticsearch
bin/magento module:disable Magento_Elasticsearch Magento_Elasticsearch7 Magento_Elasticsearch6 Magento_ElasticsearchCatalogPermissions Magento_InventoryElasticsearch Magento_ElasticsearchCatalogPermissionsGraphQl
d) Run the command:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Install Connector:
composer require magento/experience-platform-connector:^1.0
Run the command:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Clear cache
bin/magento c:c
Update live search by running the command:
composer update magento/live-search --with-dependencies
Run the command to view the installed live search data:
composer show magento/live-search
run: bin/magento setup:upgrade
The following modules should be activated if they were not already activated:
bin/magento module:enable Magento_LiveSearchAdapter Magento_LiveSearchStorefrontPopover Magento_LiveSearch Magento_LiveSearchMetrics Magento_LiveSearchTerms
bin/magento module:enable Magento_SaaSCommon Magento_SaaSCatalog Magento_SaaSProductOverride Magento_ExperienceConnectorAdmin Magento_ExperienceConnector Magento_ServicesIdGraphQlServer Magento_ServicesId Magento_DataServices Magento_ServicesConnector
bin/magento module:enable Magento_BundleProductDataExporter Magento_CatalogDataExporter Magento_CatalogInventoryDataExporter Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteDataExporter Magento_ConfigurableProductDataExporter Magento_DataExporter Magento_ParentProductDataExporter Magento_ProductOverrideDataExporter
bin/magento module:enable Magento_GraphQl Magento_AdminGraphQlServer Magento_DataServicesMultishipping Magento_QueryXml Magento_ServicesIdLayout Magento_GraphQlServer
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Clear cache: bin/magento c:c
If necessary, run the following command: rm -rf pub/static// && rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/* && bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f && bin/magento cache:flush
In the graphical interface Admin: System -> Commerce Services Connector
Click on Start setup to configure the credentials, select the project and the Space assigned by Adobe
Click on next, the public and private keys will be requested both to enter said credentials in the spaces assigned for it.
To enter the Live Search panel, Marketing -> SEO & Search -> Live Search
If the credentials were entered correctly, the respective panel will be displayed