i'm still having problem. please help!

I recently installed "size chart" extension and removed, and after that,

in my admin page, "Manage Categories" is not working. But all other page seems to work fine.

I research other peoples question, but still couldn't figured it out.

i'm getting this error below.

Source model "maattabel/categorie" not found for attribute "maattabel_categorie"

3 Answers 3


you get this error because you had an extension that was disabled (like) but a category attribute remained in the database.
If you disabled the extension it means you don't need the attribute anymore. So you can delete it.

Run this query on your database:

DELETE FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `source_model` = 'maattabel/categorie';

Just to be on the safe side, you should look for other attributes that might have a source model that refers to the extension.
Run this query:

 SELECT * FROM `eav_attribute` where `source_model` like `%maattabel%`.

In case you find other records, back-up your db and delete them also.


You should find in table eav_attribute an entry with source_model = 'maattabel/categorie' and set source_model empty. For example, run this query:

UPDATE eav_attribute SET source_model = '' WHERE source_model = 'maattabel/categorie'


SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE source_model LIKE "maattabel_% Then select this row and delete from database clear cache it has done

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