I started using algolia search.

Our root catalog magento is PUB. So path to images in our case is: website.com/media/catalog... but Algolia search generate url to image with pub so


Image get 404

I found file: image.php


namespace Algolia\AlgoliaSearch\Helper;

use Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\ImageFactory;
use Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable as ProductTypeConfigurable;
use Magento\Framework\App\Helper\Context;
use Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository;
use Magento\Framework\View\ConfigInterface;

class Image extends \Magento\Catalog\Helper\Image
     * @var ConfigHelper
    protected $configHelper;
    private $logger;

     * Image constructor.
     * @param Context $context
     * @param ImageFactory $productImageFactory
     * @param Repository $assetRepo
     * @param ConfigInterface $viewConfig
     * @param Logger $logger
     * @param ConfigHelper $configHelper
    public function __construct(
        Context $context,
        ImageFactory $productImageFactory,
        Repository $assetRepo,
        ConfigInterface $viewConfig,
        Logger $logger,
        ConfigHelper $configHelper
    ) {
        parent::__construct($context, $productImageFactory, $assetRepo, $viewConfig);
        $this->logger = $logger;
        $this->configHelper = $configHelper;

    public function getUrl()
        try {

            $url = $this->_getModel()->getUrl();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            $url = $this->getDefaultPlaceholderUrl();

        $url = $this->removeProtocol($url);
        $url = $this->removeDoubleSlashes($url);

        if ($this->configHelper->shouldRemovePubDirectory()) {
            $url = $this->removePubDirectory($url);

        return $url;

    protected function initBaseFile()
        $model = $this->_getModel();
        $baseFile = $model->getBaseFile();
        if (!$baseFile) {
            if ($this->getImageFile()) {
            } else {

        return $this;

     * Configurable::setImageFromChildProduct() only pulls 'image' type
     * and not the type set by the imageHelper
     * @param \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Image $model
     * @return mixed|string|null
    private function getProductImage(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Image $model)
        $imageUrl = $this->getProduct()->getData($model->getDestinationSubdir());
        if (($imageUrl === null || $imageUrl == '') && $this->getProduct()->getTypeId() == ProductTypeConfigurable::TYPE_CODE) {
            $imageUrl = $this->getType() !== 'image' && $this->getConfigurableProductImage() ?
                $this->getConfigurableProductImage() : $this->getProduct()->getImage();

        return $imageUrl;

    private function getConfigurableProductImage()
        $childProducts = $this->getProduct()->getTypeInstance()->getUsedProducts($this->getProduct());
        foreach ($childProducts as $childProduct) {
            $childImageUrl = $childProduct->getData($this->getType());
            if ($childImageUrl && $childImageUrl !== 'no_selection') {
                return $childImageUrl;

        return null;

    public function removeProtocol($url)
        return str_replace(['https://', 'http://'], '//', $url);

    public function removeDoubleSlashes($url)
        $url = str_replace('//', '/', $url);
        $url = '/' . $url;

        return $url;

    public function removePubDirectory($url)
        return str_replace('/pub/', '/', $url);

At the bottom of this code are the references to the pub folder. How can I rewrite this code so that paths point to /media/catalog without pub?

1 Answer 1


Algolia should have this option to exclude pub in their configuration page.

Go to Stores > Configuration > Algolia Search > Advance and set Remove pub/ from image URLs to YES.

And you are done.

enter image description here

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