For what is "downloadable_domains" in env.php file? I have read on Magento dev docs, but I can`t understand where it is used? Please do not add links to dev docs. Describe please your point of view. Thanks in advance!

  • I am facing the issue like (Link URL's domain is not in list of downloadable_domains in env.php) which is solved by doing this suggestion Thank you very much :) Commented Jan 19, 2023 at 12:47

1 Answer 1


When you are creating Downloadable Product(s), you are setting a link/url to download particular File/Resource.

enter image description here

The domain name of this link/url must be white-listed and to do so, you need to add this domain name in env.php file under "downloadable_domains".

Listing the CLI commands to manage "downloadable_domains" :

To add a domain :

bin/magento downloadable:domains:add www.mydomain.com

To remove a domain :

bin/magento downloadable:domains:remove www.mydomain.com

To list all whitelisted domains :

bin/magento downloadable:domains:show

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