
<event name="controller_action_postdispatch_customer_account_loginPost">
       <observer name="customer_login_observer" instance="vendor\module\Observer\Customercart" />



namespace vendor\module\Observer;

class Customercart implements \Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface
public function __construct(
         \Magento\Framework\Message\ManagerInterface $messageManager,
         \Magento\Checkout\Model\Session $session,
     \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession,
         $this->_session = $session;
    $this->_customerSession = $customerSession;
         $this->_messageManager = $messageManager;
public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)
        $writer = new \Zend\Log\Writer\Stream(BP . '/var/log/teqwewq.log');
        $logger = new \Zend\Log\Logger();
        $currentQuoteItemSku = array();
        foreach ($currentQuoteItems as $currentQuoteItem) {
                   array_push($currentQuoteItemSku, $currentQuoteItem->getSku());
        foreach($currentQuoteItemSku as $value){
          if($value=="some1" || $value=="some2"){
        if($clbStatus && $normalProductStatus){
        foreach ($currentQuoteItems as $currentQuoteItem) {
                        if($currentQuoteItem->getSku()=="some1" ||$currentQuoteItem->getSku()=="some2"){
                            $itemId = $currentQuoteItem->getItemId();
        return $this;


Screen shot ref https://nimb.ws/qSPujg

The subtotal does not change on the cart and also in the window.checkoutConfig.quoteData.base_grand_total


A product $40

B product $20 // removed

subtotal $60 //remains same - after a refresh , even go to checkout

Any suggestion?

2 Answers 2


Try to add $currentQuote->setTriggerRecollect(1); before your collectTotals().

It will be :

  • Thanks, it works.
    – Alen
    Commented Jan 29, 2020 at 7:20
  • I am facing same issue but the given solution is not working for me.
    – Mahendra
    Commented Oct 17, 2020 at 16:36
  • Super it works!! @Mahendra you have to reload getTotalsAction in js define(['Magento_Checkout/js/action/get-totals' ], function (getTotalsAction) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); getTotalsAction([], deferred); after ajax response if you are using ajax call. May it help you Commented May 30 at 12:09

If above code doesn't work then use below as well.

$currentQuote= $this->_checkoutSession->getQuote();

$shippingAddress = $currentQuote->getShippingAddress();





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