I've recently created some code that grabs a remote image, pulls it to the server, and sets a product to have this image with a number of roles. See below:
file_put_contents($import_filepath, file_get_contents($bgg_image));
$attribute_codes = ['image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail', 'bgg_image'];
$product->addImageToMediaGallery($import_filepath, $attribute_codes, false, false);
$import_filepath is the path to place on the server. $bgg_image is a remote image.
This is working fine, the upload is successful. The roles are actually being set too, i.e.
$attribute_codes = ['image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail', 'bgg_image'];
I can tell because if I use the below code, it will print out the correct path for my image:
$product = $this->productRepository->getById($product_id);
$logger->info('data is now bgg -------- ' . $product->getData('bgg_image'));
2020-01-02T04:48:43+00:00 INFO (6): data is now bgg -------- //b/g/bgg_img_24291_pic2428687_1_2.jpg
The issue is that in the below screenshot, these roles don't display on the frontend at all unless I manually select them and save the product. All other behaviour on the frontend website is as expected.
I've tried reloading the cache, completely clearing the cache, redploying all static files, and a whole bunch of stuff that's brought up nada.
Pls help.