I am new in Magento 2 and in frontend category page there is a filter by price which is range and under it there are two inputs which are disabled
and there values are from - to
price and the currency symbol is not right as it shows $
and the currency I use is egp
. How can I change it or even remove it?. Just need to know what is the file that I need to edit.
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1 Answer
There is a configuration in the backend.
Path: Stores >> Currency >> Currency Symbol
Change default symbol $ to E£.
Flush cache php bin/magento cache:flush
and check it.
Hope this will help you!
It didn't work. the store currency is just fine and it shows in the right way in products price, except that place. I need the file that shows these two inputs. Commented Nov 13, 2019 at 10:09
It means you want to change symbol only in filter? Commented Nov 13, 2019 at 10:12