Our main Dashboard page is not showing any data such as graphs etc. otherwise, the page renders and works correctly. The page used to work, but I had the theme and 2 extension developers work on the site and now it doesn't work. All developers say it wasn't them.
Charts are enabled in Stores/configuration/advanced/admin/dashboard -> Enable Charts = Yes.
User has administrator rights.
Inspect Console shows no errors and there are no issues in logs.
I have run the following:
rm -rf pub/static/* var/cache/* var/composer_home/* var/tmp/* var/view_preprocessed/* var/page_cache/* generated/code generated/metadata
php71 bin/magento setup:upgrade
php71 bin/magento setup:di:compile
php71 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_AU en_US
php71 bin/magento cache:flush
php71 bin/magento cron:run
Has anyone got any idea what might be causing this? Could it be something simple switched off that I'm not aware of?
We were going live with our site very soon but can't with this issue.