Seeing we are installing, upgrading, removing a new M2 (2.3.1) install we wouldlike a fast way to enable or disable modules from vendors in 1 go. Either by the Vendor name or for a Subset of modules belonging to the same extension.

When extensions are acquired we see the following. One acquires 1 extension call it Foo_Coolstuff but it can then be packaged either as

  • Foo_Core
  • Foo_Coolstuff

Or as

  • Foo_Core
  • Foo_Coolsub1
  • Foo_Coolsub2
  • Foo_Coolstuff

To us as a user this is 1 extension. I mean this is how it is offered and how it is acquired.

Question: So how can we easily enable or disable for example (only)

  • all modules from Vendor Foo_*
  • or all modules from Extension Foo_Cool*

2 Answers 2


One can use magento module:status to create lists of extensions. By wrapping this into $() it is executed first. It filters out the extensions that we want by using grep and adds a negative grep to be certain we dont match unwanted stuff.

How to enable all modules from Vendor Foo_

The base command to enable all modules from Foo_ is like this

php bin/magento module:enable $(php bin/magento module:status | grep '^Foo_' | grep -v '^List|^None|^Magento|^$')

This will enable all Modules that start with the label Foo_.

Changing you filter

You can replace Foo with the Vendor name of your choice if the Modules label start with this string. Or you can remove the caret ^ and it will match anywhere in the string. Like this grep 'Foo' will match any extension that hass the string Foo in the label. Be carefull with this. A good way to test it is to first execute php bin/magento module:status | grep '^Foo_' | grep -v '^List|^None|^Magento|^$' and see the list that it returns: is this what you want?

How to disable all modules from Vendor Foo_

The same can be made to disable all modules from Foo_

php bin/magento module:disable $(php bin/magento module:status | grep '^Foo_' | grep -v '^List|^None|^Magento|^$')

How to disable all modules from 1 certain extension called Foo_Coolstuff

The same can be made to disable all modules and submodules from Foo_Coolstuff

php bin/magento module:disable $(php bin/magento module:status | grep '^Foo_Cool' | grep -v '^List|^None|^Magento|^$')

The above will enable all modules where the label starts with ^Foo_Cool. Another option can be to add ^Foo_Core then the command will become grep '^Foo_Cool|^Foo_Core'


it will find & disable all modules except which one start with Magento_

$ php bin/magento module:status | grep -v Magento | grep -v List | grep -v None | grep -v -e '^$'| xargs php bin/magento module:disable

To disable all module for particular vendor, you could use something like this

$ php bin/magento module:status | grep VendorName_ | grep -v List | grep -v None | grep -v -e '^$'| xargs php bin/magento module:disable

The differences is one with grep -v Magento and the other is grep VendorName_

check this and let me know if any issue

  • use enable instead of disable for enabling module
    – mohith
    Commented Apr 26, 2019 at 12:44

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