I have enabled the production mode in my Magento 2.2.4 version, disabled the static sign functionality and added the parameter: urlArgs:"version='test'"
in requirejs-config.js
file. I have enabled the minify js functionality from the backend of Magento 2 . If i do not add this parameter all the dependency are loaded without any issues with the .min.js suffix, but once i added that parameter for cache busting functionality, all the dependency are loading with .js suffix and ignoring the .min.js files. I am unable to find the solution for this, can anyone please suggest me a solution for it?
Not getting your requirement.– Jimit BhavsarCommented Aug 2, 2018 at 11:20
2 Answers
I have found a solution to this issue. I will say it is not a perfect solution, the below solution has solved my issue, so i am posting it here so that it can help others facing this issue.
Cause of the problem:
The problem was that after enabling the production mode in my Magento 2 instance, disabling static version sign and enabling the js minification from backend requirejs
was not loading the few .js
files as min.js
. So after long hours of debugging i found out that requirejs-min-resolver.min.js
was the culprit. It was not loading few min.js
files, the problem is with this line of code where the regular expression: url=url.replace(/(\.min)?\.js$/,'.min.js');
was not loading few .js
files as min.js
The fix:
file is created from this php class, override this below method using di.xml
public function getMinResolverCode()
$excludes = [];
foreach ($this->minification->getExcludes('js') as $expression) {
$excludes[] = '!url.match(/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $expression) . '/)';
$excludesCode = empty($excludes) ? 'true' : implode('&&', $excludes);
$result = <<<code
var ctx = require.s.contexts._,
origNameToUrl = ctx.nameToUrl;
ctx.nameToUrl = function() {
var url = origNameToUrl.apply(ctx, arguments);
if ({$excludesCode}) {
//url = url.replace(/(\.min)?\.js$/, '.min.js'); // commented this line of code.
//added below line of code
if( (url.match('static/frontend/Vendor') || url.match('static/adminhtml/Magento')) && !url.match('.min.js') && !url.match('.json')){url=url.replace('.js','.min.js');}
return url;
if ($this->minification->isEnabled('js')) {
$result = $this->minifyAdapter->minify($result);
return $result;
Note: The expression that i have used has full filled my requirment, please change that according to your own requirement.
Solution impact area:
The above expression will blindly start adding the .min.js
extension to all the .js
files that are loaded from our Magento 2 instance. Please take care that it does not start adding the .min.js
extension to third party .js
files even though i have taken care of it in the above custom expression.
In my case, it was enough to add into xml this part of code
<block class="Magento\RequireJs\Block\Html\Head\Config" name="requirejs-config"/>
in situation of collision to read *.js vs *.min.js dependencies.