Within the editor it seems html is validated so that multiple elements cannot be placed within a tags. I want to allow markup like below:
<a href="#"><h2>Category</h2><img src="logo.png" /><p>Some text...</p></a>
This however always ends up like so:
<a href="#"><h2>Category</h2></a><img src="logo.png" /><p>Some text...</p>
I have seen posts about this however am unsure how to modify valid_elements or valid_child_elements within magento 2.
There is also this but this applies to Magento 1 :
So far have tried looking at module-backend/view/adminhtml/templates/widget/form/element.phtml and lib/web/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js as this is the only place i could see configs like this but had no luck.
How can i override these settings with Magento 2?