I've create a custom module in Magento and I want to show notice message in admin when the observer fire so my module code like below :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cron_time_update>0 0 * * *</cron_time_update>
<title>Custom Configuration Section</title>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<customconfig translate="label" module="MI_ProductAutoSynchronization">
<label>Product Auto Synch Tab</label>
<productautosynchronization_options translate="label" module="MI_ProductAutoSynchronization">
<label>Configuration Settings</label>
<section_one translate="label">
<label>Product Time Update</label>
<cron_time_update translate="label">
<label>Products Time Update</label>
<comment>Select the time to update stock automatically.</comment>
class MI_ProductAutoSynchronization_Block_Adminhtml_Notifications extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
public function _toHtml($className = "notification-global")
// Let other extensions add messages
// Get the global notification object
$messages = Mage::getSingleton('mi_productautosynchronization/notification')->getMessages();
$html = null;
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$html .= "<div class='$className'>" . $message . "</div>";
return $html;
Model/ Notification.php
class MI_ProductAutoSynchronization_Model_Notification extends Varien_object
protected $messages = [ ];
public function getMessages()
return $this->messages;
public function setMessages($messages)
$this->messages = $messages;
return $this;
public function addMessage($message)
$this->messages[] = $message;
return $this;
class MI_ProductAutoSynchronization_Model_Observer {
public function test() {
Mage::log("TEST success", null, "dev.log");
public function checkMessages($observer)
Mage::log("notification success", null, "dev.log");
$notifications = Mage::getSingleton('mi_productautosynchronization/notification');
$notifications->addMessage("I was sent by mi_productautosynchronization");
return $observer;
So My Question is: How can I show notice message like screen below when test function
in observer fire ?