My following code is under static block and i am trying to achieve following functionality.

I print invoice using the following code:

{{if order_date == '03/06/2017'}}
    <td style='width: 15%;'>
        <span style='font-weight:bold; padding:5px; display:block; background:#e5e5e5;'>Tax(VAT/CST)</span>
    <td style='width: 15%;'>
        <span style='font-weight:bold; padding:5px; display:block; background:#e5e5e5;'>Tax(GST)</span>


My order date is 03/06/2017 and every time it is going into else statement and printing else statement instead of printing if statement.

  • and what is the problem?
    – Marius
    Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 14:42
  • @Marius i had updated the question with actual issue. Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 14:45

2 Answers 2


Pradeep, I don't believe that the template filter system and the {{if}} directive supports operators (==). If you consult the class, Varien_Filter_Template, you would find that the ifDirective parser does not look for expression evaluation in the way you would expect.

Specifically, line 248 calls $this->_getVariable, which according to your directive is receiving order_date = '03/06/2017' as the $value argument, which cannot match any values stored in the filter processor.

The _getVariable method supports only a few types of values/operations:

  • Direct variable name; eg: order_data
  • Varien_Object instances; eg: getOrderData()
  • Other objects with a corresponding method name; eg: order_data()

Another way to solve this problem is to supply a model/object in your conditional, like the order model, with a custom extending method, which you can call to to evaluate the expression outside of the filter processor, like this:

class Your_Module_Model_Order extends Mage_Sales_Model_Order
    public function checkOrderDate($input)
        return $this->getData('order_date') == $input;

And then in your content, rewrite the directive like so:

{{if order.checkOrderDate('03/06/2017') }}

Here's a complete working test case:

require_once '/vagrant/public_html/app/Mage.php';

class MockOrderClass extends Varien_Object
    public $order_date = '03/06/2017';

    public function checkOrderDate($input)
        return $this->order_date == $input;

$filter = new Varien_Filter_Template();
$filter->setVariables(array('order' => new MockOrderClass()));

$input = <<<EOF
{{if order.checkOrderDate('03/06/2017') }}
    <td style='width: 15%;'>
        <span style='font-weight:bold; padding:5px; display:block; background:#e5e5e5;'>Tax(VAT/CST)</span>
    <td style='width: 15%;'>
        <span style='font-weight:bold; padding:5px; display:block; background:#e5e5e5;'>Tax(GST)</span>

echo '<pre>' . (htmlentities($filter->filter($input))) . '</pre>';
  • Actually i want to put condition like this {{if order.getShippingMethod(1).getMethod() == "pickupatstore_1"}} <div class="name"> some text </div>{{else}} <div class="name">{{var formattedShippingAddress|raw}}</div> {{/if}} but its not working in cms block magento 2. Commented Nov 15, 2018 at 13:46

Why you dont do your conditions with a pretty php tag in a phtml and the rendred will be displayed in your static block like this:

1) Create a phtml in :


2) Put this piece of code in your static block:

{{block type="core/template" template="cms/phtmlname.phtml"}}

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