When I run below command, it gives below output.

$ php bin/magento customer:hash:upgrade
  1. What actually this command do?
  2. When I have to run this command?
  3. What changes it will do?
  4. Will it increase more security?

I think it deals with the following class: magento\vendor\magento\framework\Encryption\Encryptor.php

 * Key of md5 algorithm
const HASH_VERSION_MD5 = 0;

 * Key of sha256 algorithm
const HASH_VERSION_SHA256 = 1;

3 Answers 3


Let's say you installed Magento 2 that has the following constants:

 * Key of md5 algorithm
const HASH_VERSION_MD5 = 0;

 * Key of sha256 algorithm
const HASH_VERSION_SHA256 = 1;

 * Key of latest used algorithm

Later in time, you upgrade Magento and a new version of the used algorithm has been integrated in Magento 2 to increase security.

In that case, you can (need to?) run this command to upgrade the customer hash to used the latest hash algorithm.

So I assume Magento will add a notice when they upgrade the hash algorithm in the future version of Magento 2 and in that case you'll have to run this command to increase your customer security.


As @Raphael at Digital Pianism mention, It helps to increase customer security(Password security), you can check below code what Magento actually does when you run this command,

$this->collection = $this->customerCollectionFactory->create();
        $customerCollection = $this->collection->getItems();
        /** @var $customer Customer */
        foreach ($customerCollection as $customer) {
            if (!$this->encryptor->validateHashVersion($customer->getPasswordHash())) {
                list($hash, $salt, $version) = explode(Encryptor::DELIMITER, $customer->getPasswordHash(), 3);
                $version .= Encryptor::DELIMITER . Encryptor::HASH_VERSION_LATEST;
                $customer->setPasswordHash($this->encryptor->getHash($hash, $salt, $version));

You can check from this file


  1. This Command upgraded customer's Hash according to latest Algorith in Magento 2
  2. If you use migration tool and getting issue with login than you need to run this.
  • the command is not working. Why? Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 9:07

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